So I am apparently blogspot-stupid and couldn't figure out how to "follow" people until just today... It's not straightforward as it is on, you just "Add as friend" and BAM! They're on your subscribed page.
Four years of college and it takes me a week to figure out blogspot. Nice.
Well, the past couple days has been more of the same... looking for a job with little success. I feel stuck. Previously, I had wanted to go to law school. I'm even signed up to take the LSAT in February, but after working on the campaign I thought I might want to work on a campaign again (and amusingly enough, I will not have to wait long). I still want to go back to Washington DC...
But I'm getting ahead of myself.
My pastor asked me to head up the middle school and high school youth groups until the PNC can identify someone to lead the Christian Education branch of our church, so where my heart and my head needs to be is in Sioux City, looking for a job. Finding a job that ties into my degree, however, is proving to be difficult. I wish that hiring Republicans was "in" this season...
I'm really excited to be working with the youth groups at 1st Pres, though. I swept through our local book stores yesterday and today picking out books to read that will have good devotional material in them and highlighting and marking passages in said books, along with corresponding Bible passages... One book in particular is amusing to me, "The One Year Daily Grind" by Sarah Arthur... it's a daily devotional and most of the devo's discuss coffee (and God, of course). It's so appropriate for me... though I think most of it may be lost on the youth group. Caffeine addiction is something that most of them have yet to discover ... ... ... I hope.
I met with a bunch of the middle schoolers tonight and when I explained that I had been working on a campaign for the past three months, they all immediately declared that they had wanted Obama to win and then eagerly asked: "Who did you vote for?!"
Oh, God has a sense of humor indeed.
Wolves vs Arsenal
2 years ago
1 comment:
Ok, that last bit was incredibly funny.
Other than that though - good luck finding a job. You could always apply at my old place of work... if you don't mind getting up at horrid hours.
Sioux City is not a great place for any sort of polisci job. But Good Luck anyway.
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